This week on the show we have another awesome Super Mama. Myriam Knepper comes in to share her journey navigating her son's Autism diagnose.  She teaches us some very valuable lessons on being the best advocate for our own children. She learned since very early in her son's life that she had to figure out on her own how to navigate the system to best benefit her and her family and she shares great resources with all of us.  Her attitude towards life inspires us to see the challenges we face as opportunities for growth and giving back.  

This Episode was brought to you by our sponsor Seventh Generation.  To learn more about Seventh Generation and their products, please visit http://www.seventhgeneration.com. 

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Department of Development Services- Regional Centers

CSUN- Family Focus Resouce Center

Autism Speaks Org

Miriam Knepper Contact- advocateforyourkid@gmail.com

Child's Life Vitamin C 

Micro Fiber Face Towels

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