Tips to Overcome Obstacles & Reach Your Goals

This week our guest Cristela Alonzo the voice of Cruz Ramirez in Cars 3 gave us valuable insights on how to overcome obstacles. We’ve been feeling so inspired after the movie that we wanted to share some tips that previous guests have shared with us about how to push through and make your dreams come true, and how to deal with setbacks and sorrow.

  • Deal with bullies by proving them wrong. Cristela tells a powerful story of how she dealt with her high school bully. Don’t forget that success is the best revenge. Keep focused on what you want.  

  • Be Grateful Everyday. Even when things are very difficult you can always find something to be grateful for. Our guest Mary Carrillo taught us valuable lessons on how she has found gratitude in the midst of losing her son to cancer. You can listen to that episode here.

  • Understand the some people will not be supportive of your dreams. Accept that it has nothing to do with you and more to do with them and where they are in their life and mindset. Cristela also shared that is how she deal with online bullies or people who weren’t supportive of her pursuing a career in the entertainment industry.

  • Surround Yourself With Positive People. The people who you surround yourself will play a tremendous role in the person you become. Tony Robbins who we love often talks about how your group informs the expectations and beliefs you have about yourself. Check out our experience with him here.  

  • Understand that Mistakes Are Normal. It’s ok to not know everything all the time. Don’t pressure yourself to be perfect. If you talk bad about yourself to yourself then you will start to believe it. Forgive yourself for having a bad day. If you know someone who has a resources or information that can help you don’t be afraid to ask for help. Many of our Super Mamas Guests have shared with us how their biggest projects began with them making mistakes and building things as they went along. Beatriz Acevedo from Mi Tu, was a perfect example. Check out her episode here.

  • Choose Happiness Everyday. Jacqui Saldana of Baby Boy Bakery shared with us all about how she has learned to choose happiness after losing her son. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t have grief or sadness but she tries not to let that overpower every element of her life.

There you have it! Tell us a piece of advice that has helped you overcome obstacles or difficult times in your life!